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Address: SH 88B, Virajpet, Karnataka 571218
Affiliated University: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Year of Establishment: 1999

About College:
The CIDS admits only 40 students in an academic year at the graduate class. This facilitates our highly qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty to devote individual attention and guidance, honing students' skills and enabling them to attain greater levels of professional competence and confidence. 

Founded by the Kanjithanda Kushalappa foundation in 1999, CIDS has established firm credentials as an exemplary educational institution emulating high standards of academic excellence. In just under a decade, CIDS has garnered recognition from the Dental Council to provide professional education and training for student's to attain the Masters Degree. More than a mere qualification this recognition underscores this institution's teaching-learning ambience, faculty excellence, graduate rating and high standards of academic brilliance and research.

The CIDS has achieved international recognition with a host of pan global collaborations. We have regular faculty exchange programs, student exchange programs and strong research activities with the Faculty of Dentistry, Hong Kong University: University of Geneva, Switzerland and a host of other foreign Universitys.

Whilst on the one hand, the institute teaches students to emulate high professional benchmarks they are also urged to heal with a humane touch. Students are trained to be self-reliant and yet serve the community at large. CIDS is a collation of well-equipped dental clinics, laboratories, instruction halls, residential quarters, hostels and libraries. Set as it is on a 30-acre campus of exquisite trees and flowering shrubs, it makes for a salubrious environment of study and patient care.

This Institute believes in training the students not only to excel as Dental Surgeons but also as responsible ladies and gentlemen who will blend into today's competitive social fabric. This Institution believes in training them for today's international market as efficient doctors, managers, administrators, marketing strategists and above all as, beautiful human beings! This Institute believes that "Excellence is not an Act, but a Habit". This Institue believes in creating graduates who are proud of themselves and their Alma mater.

Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • BDS
PG Courses:
  • Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics 
  • Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge. 
  • Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 
  • Periodontology 
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 
  • Oral Medicine and Radiology 
  • Oral Pathology and Microbiology 
  • Pedodontics 
  • Public Health Dentistry 

COORG INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES Reviewed by admissionxpert on 12:17:00 Rating: 5
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