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Address:  Eidgah Ground, Farooqia Educational Complex, Umer Khayam Road, Tilak Nagar, Mysuru, Karnataka 570021
Affiliated University: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Year of Establishment: 1992

About College:
The Rifahul Muslimeen Educational Trust, was established in the year 1961 and registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1956 in No.201 of 1984-85 dated 8-1-1985 with the aim of promoting education to the Minority Muslim Community in particular and also to the other down trodden people of Mysore in general.
Rifahul Muslimeen Educational Trust, Mysore, was granted permission to start BDS Course at Farooqia Dental College, Mysore by the Government of Karnataka from 1992-93 vide Govt. order No.HFW 107 MME 92 dt.18-7-1992, affiliated to the University of Mysore as per order No.CDC/B/84/92-93 dt.29-9-92 and also to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, from the Academic year 1996-97.
So, Farooqia Dental College was an addition to this Trust with an object to make its own worthy contribution to its community and also the general public of Mysore city & other places with well skilled professionals of dentistry. Apart from ensuring corrective and rehabilitative services through the teaching hospital of the college, Community services on the preventive and Curative Aspects of Dentistry are also being arranged, keeping in view of the health needs of the rural as well as urban Population of Mysore.
Farooqia Dental College was established in 1992, with 1st batch of students admitted to the four years BDS Course (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) with the permission of Govt. of Karnataka Education Department Wide G.O. No.HFW 107 MME 92 dated 8th July 1992 by satisfying the Mysore University norms. 
Farooqia Dental College, Mysore was granted recognition for BDS Course by the Dental Council of India, New Delhi,  vide letter No. DE-73-2002/249 dated 11/04/2002 and the Government of India vide Notification No. V.12018/34/2001-PMS Dated 01/04/2002.
At present the college is affiliated to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru.
The college has its own modernised well equipped Hospital building in the thickly populated area of Tilak Nagar, in Eidgah grounds. The college is situated near to the railway station and suburban bus stand. It has adequate play ground and Hostel for Men and Women. Students out patient block and other amenities and also the infrastructure like class rooms, laboratories, administrative office, reading room facilities, sports room, students common room, have been provided as per the DCI norms. The Undergraduate BDS Course is for four years and one year of compulsory rotating Housemanship.
  • Excellent Library facilities are provided with the latest upto date periodicals in various subjects, pertaining not only to Dental Faculty, but also related to Medical faculty and general books. The back logs plus Journals by C.D & Internet is also provided.
  • For the Medical Subjects in General Medicine and General Surgery, the college is attached to Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysore. 
  • A highly sophisticated ceramic and casting lab with imported equipments such as computerised casting machine in order to carry out cosmetic dentistry is also available in our institute.
  • The Farooqia Dental College is fully equipped with sophisticated equipments and machinaries for the purpose of starting Post Graduation Courses.
  • The college has got adequate facilities with sophisticated equipments in order to impart Post Graduation course in various specialties of Dentistry. The Post Graduation Courses in various disciplines have been granted permission by the Government of India, New Delhi for the academic year 2012-2013
  • A Satellite centre has been set up at the Phende Hospital, Gurupura, Hunsur Taluk with few Dental Chairs as a part of rural Health programme under the able leadership of Community dental personnel.
  • The FDC has been rendering Yeoman Service in all the specialties in Dentistry at subsidised rates for the people of Muslim community in particular and other communities in and around Mysore city in general.
Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • BDS
PG Courses:
  •  Periodontics
  •  Conservative Dentistry
  •  Orthodontics
  •  Oral Medicine & Radiology
  •  Oral Pathology & Microbiology

FAROOQUIA DENTAL COLLEGE Reviewed by admissionxpert on 12:09:00 Rating: 5
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