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Address: Sedam Road, Kalaburgi, Karnataka 585105
Affiliated University: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Year of Establishment: 1986

About College:
With the very humble beginning in 1986, under Gulbarga University the college started with the 1st batch of 40 students in the dental wing of Govt. Hospital. The basic medical sciences were handled by the able faculty of Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College. The then President of India Late Shri Gyani Zail Singh, on 9th Jan.1987 laid the foundation stone for the three storeyed building on seven acres of H.K.E. Society land on the Sedam Road. 
It took about five years for the conceptualization and completion of the proposed college building and the project saw the light of day on 15th August 1992 when the institution was shifted to this existing building. At that time the society was led by Dr. B.G. Jawali as President and Dr. G. Nagraj Rao was the head of this institution. 
Sri Baswaraj Bhimalli in the year 1996, took a great decision to name the college in honour of senior leader and former Chief Minister Late Shri S. Nijalingappa, who served thrice as a Chief Minister - maker of modern Karnataka. He was the member of parliament from 1952 to 1956 and his important role in both Indian independence Movement and Karnataka Ekkikaran's movement was undeniable. On 21st August 1996 the college was named as S. Nijalingappa Institute of Dental Sciences & Research by the then Honorable Prime Minister of India Shri H.D. Devegowda and the former Chief Minister of Karnataka Shri J.H. Patel. 
In 1996 the Health University of Karnataka was established in Bangalore then the affiliation of this college was transferred to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science Bangalore from Gulbarga University. The P.G courses commenced in academic year 1998. 
The three storeyed college building has 64000 sq.ft. in area. It is housing ten clinical departments. This is in addition to central library, four lecture halls, Auditorium, administrative block, Sports room, Girls common room, Boys common room, Photography section etc.
ommunity health care services are extended by the staff of Dept. of Preventive & Community Dentistry. The institution has adopted Venkat Bennur village, where every month our staff with Mobile Dental Unit pays visit to conduct check-up and treatment at camp. 
The college has tied-up with World Vision of India. Under which we render dental care services to the people of 52 villages in the district, and these patients are further treated in hospital on priority basis either free or with very negligible charges depending upon the type of treatment modality. There are two satellite centers for the institution with a dental unit installed, one in Rajapur and other in Aurad.

Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • BDS
PG Courses:
MDS Courses in
  • Periodontics
  • Prosthodontics
  • Conservative and Endodontics
  • Orthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Oral Pathology
Diploma Courses 
  • Dental Mechanic
  • Dental Hygenist

HKE'S S NIJALINGAPPA INSTITUTE OF DENTAL Reviewed by admissionxpert on 12:04:00 Rating: 5
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