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Address: MSRIT Post, M S R Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560054
Affiliated University: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Year of Establishment: 1991

About College:
M S Ramaiah Dental College & Hospital was started in April 1991. It is located in the Jnana Gangothri, the sprawling 80 acres campus of the MSR Institutions. The college is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences with an intake of 60 students per year for undergraduate course and post graduate courses in all 9 specialties with the intake ranging between 2 and 6 per year. It has started certificate programs in Esthetic Dentistry and Oral Implantology. It is also a recognized PhD center for Oral and Maxillofacial surgery and awaiting for inspection to Department of Conservative Dentistry.
As a affiliated college of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) and recognized by Dental Council of India (DCI), MSRDC complies to the curricular requirements of both these regulatory bodies. However it has also introduced several innovations to the curriculum that helps in the overall development of the students. It has stressed on mandatory International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) training for all students to equip them with skills in resuscitating procedures. In association with state of the art, world class Advanced Learning Centre (ALC) with both Simulation Lab and Cadaveric Lab for dissection skills, students learn skills with better ease resulting in improved patient care.The faculty members are also member of Board of studies of both UG and PG studies part of any such workshops thus contribute to and thus influence the various curricular changes of the university with regard to Teaching – Learning and Assessment.
Vision of MSRDC places utmost emphasis on Health Professionals Educational Science thereby training professionals of global excellence. To provide quality education, it believes in recruiting academic experts who constantly update themselves about their specialty through faculty development programs.  For the past 5 years, our college has obtained Gold Medal in Pedodontics at BDS Level and about 21 ranks at MDS level.
 Research and publications was always encouraged in MSRDC with various facilities such as financial incentives for publication, loans for laptops, sponsoring conferences for paper presentation, special casual leave for study purposes etc., A sizeable financial support is earmarked every year for the purpose of research by the management. The whole environment is conducive for research as MSRDC is a part of 15 institution campus which also houses several prestigious institutions including MSRIT, MSR college of Pharmacy, Drug Testing Lab, Ayush Arogyadhama, state of the art hospitals and the infrastructure. It is also in close proximity to research centers such as IISc, NIAS, GKVK, veterinary college etc., for the past 5 years, about 120 dissertations have been guided, about 104 international and 142 national papers have been published, and – papers have been presented at various International, National and State forum. MSRDC firmly believes in social commitment especially in the rural areas and mission of Reaching the Unreached especially outreach centers are set up both at rural and urban slums to provide oral health care for rural population( Kaiwara, MK Nagar, Muddenhalli, Cholurpalya, Harsha Hospital). It also has collaborations with several NGO’s including Sri Ramana Free Clinic Trust, DDPI Bangalore Rural, Government of Karnataka to provide comprehensive oral health care to school children and a sustainable program to enrich knowledge about oral health. Management has ensured the availability of more than adequate infrastructure and learning resources to provide quality oral health care to patients and students. DCI as a regulatory body mandates basic infrastructure and patient input for running a dental institution that is far exceeded by MSRDC. Recently shifting into a spacious well planned and ventilated building with facilities for patient care and education, MSRDC is able deliver both quality service as well as education to its stakeholders. All departments are equipped with adequate number of dental chairs with accessories, radiographic equipment, instruments and consumables as required. As ICT plays a major role in teaching learning and administration, all departments are equipped with computers connected by both LAN and Internet. LCD projector and other audiovisual aids are available at both department and classroom to facilitate teaching learning. Located in 80 acre campus in the heart of the city, MSRDC also has access to several auditoriums, sports complex, gymnasium, bank, pharmacy etc. Both girls and boys hostel are situated in the campus with round the clock security.
Students of diverse background enroll themselves to the professional BDS, MDS and certificate courses and PhD programs. MSRDC is proud to state that consistently it is one of the first colleges to fill up their seats in KCET and COMED K Exams, being the first choice for many a student. Thus it becomes essential in put in action a mechanism that addresses the problems faced by the students. Mentor Mentee system is a program designed exclusively for students to interact with one faculty who helps the student to solve academic, and other personal problems. Mentor in turn interacts with Deputy Chief Mentor and Chief Mentor for further measures. Apart from this, counseling is provided by professional counselors, SNEHA available at the campus. MSRDC strongly believes in overall development of the student and hence extracurricular activities of the students are given equal importance. Annual Cultural week and Sports week are arranged to bring the talents of the students to the fore while prizes won at intercollegiate tournaments speaks volumes especially the group dance troupe. MSRDC Alumni are instrumental in conducting many programs for both our students and neighborhood community.
Faculty assessment by both peers and students are carried out periodically to ensure maintenance of standards in education. Planning and adherence to academic calendar is strictly adhered to while at the same time opportunities are created for the faculty to renew and rediscover their talents through faculty development program especially in medical education.

Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • BDS
PG Courses:
  • OMDR
  • Periodontics
  • Pedodontics
  • Conservative Dentistry
  • Prosthodontics
  • Orthodontics
  • Public Health Dentistry
  • Oral Pathology
  • Oral Surgery

M S RAMAIAH DENTAL COLLEGE Reviewed by admissionxpert on 11:47:00 Rating: 5
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