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Address:  Bannerghatta, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560083
Affiliated University: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Year of Establishment: 1992-93

About College:
Sri Venkateshwara Dental College and Hospital was started under the auspices of N.S.V.K. Trust, Bangalore. The Dental College was started during the academic year 1992-93. Now, under the able and dynamic leadership of Sri Kurunji Venkatramana Gowda, the Founder President, Academy of Liberal Education®, Kurunjibag - 574327, Sullia, who has taken over the responsibility of running N.S.V.K as its Managing Trustee. Under his able guidance the Dental College is getting its new shape.
The college is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences and Recognized by Dental Council of India. The College has been started in consonance with the philosophy of Trust to provide standard training, coaching and teaching in the field of Dental Education. The college is situated at Bannerghatta, Anekal Road, Bangalore - 560083. The College & Hospital building along with Boys & Girls hostels are very well demarcated in the sprawling 7-acre land. All the hostel rooms are provided with attached bathrooms. The College is equipped with modern facilities for providing excellent education in all branches of Dental Sciences. And teaching faculty consists of eminent Professors, who are dedicated to teaching with excellent credibility
• To give the best possible training to the undergraduate BDS students. It also aims at developing this institution into a post graduation institution
• To devleop the institution as a research centre in all dental faculties. We also aim at including the spirit of research in the minds of young and bright promising students.
• The Institution aims at giving the best possible training in Dentistry so that graduates coming out of this college can treat any dental disease confidentally either in a rural or in an urban area.
• Our Institution aims at producing dental graduates of indisputable efficiency and developing a spirit of dedication.
Library is very well ventilated, spacious, and enjoys natural lighting. We have reading and reference sections with seating capacity as per the norms of Dental Council of India and Rajiv Gandhi university of Health Sciences. 
The college provides comfortable and pleasant stay for its students and faculty. Architectural excellence can be felt at student hostels and staff quarters inside the college campus. Separate hostels are available for boys and girls. Medical supervisor is available at call to provide any medical aid required for the residents of the hostel.In short, the students feel the care and comfort while staying in the hostels. It is the kind of home feeling for students.

Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • BDS
PG Courses:
  • Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
  • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Periodontics
  • Pedodontics

N.S.V.K. SRI VENKATESHWARA DENTAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL Reviewed by admissionxpert on 11:41:00 Rating: 5
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