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Nair Hospital Dental College

Address: Dr. AL.  Nair Road, Byculla,Mumbai-400008  (Maharashtra)
Affiliated University:  Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
Year of Establishment: 1933

About College:

Nair Hospital Dental College,located in Mumbai (Maharashtra), is affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, (MUHS), Nashik. The college is approved by Dental council of India (DCI), Ministry of Health, Government of India and Government of Maharashtra. It aims to impart quality education to the aspirants in order to train them to become well qualified and skilled dentists. 
 The college is approved by Government of India. The Dental College aims to train aspirants as well-qualified and skilled dentists by providing quality education to them.
In order to fulfill their aim the dental institution has equipped itself with modern facilities. With the intention to train aspirants as well-qualified and trained dentist the dental college boasts of being fully equipped with modern infrastructure. The college aims to impart quality education to the aspirants in order to train them to become well qualified and skilled dentists. The college facilitates students with clinical experience and state-of-the-art facilities. 

The college infrastructure is well furnished with all modern facilities.The college provides hostel facilities for its students. The hostel is situated at Mahalaxmi.The college has spacious library with a vast collection of books and journals.All the classrooms of the college are well furnished with all modern facilities.A variety of teaching and learning techniques are employed to impart knowledge and skills to students at Nair Hospital Dental College in its various departments.

Hospital Stats:

The campus has expanded from the two acres donated by Mr. Nair in 1946 to twenty acres in 2006 and the number of buildings in the campus has increased manifold. Today, with the infrastructure of the 1300 bedded BYL Nair Charitable Hospital behind it, it makes an ideal breeding ground for budding medicos of the 21st century. It provides training courses in more than 25 different medical and allied branches, including 9 superspeciality courses.

Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • BDS
PG Courses:
  • Conservative Dentistry
  • Oral Medicine
  • Oral Pathology
  • Oral Surgery
  • Orthodontics
  • Paedodontics
  • Periodontics
  • Prosthodontics

Nair Hospital Dental College Reviewed by admissionxpert on 15:40:00 Rating: 5
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