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Address: Ward No 10, Bagalkote, Karnataka 587101
Affiliated University: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Year of Establishment: 1987

About College:
The P.M.N.M. Dental College and Hospital, Bagalkot was started in the year 1987. The college is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health science, Benagaluru Recognized by Dental council of India, New Delhi and Government of India. It has got unique distinction of providing undergraduate and postgraduate education in all the specialties in the field of Dentistry. The college is having well qualified faculty in all the branches of dentistry and is headed by an eminent Principal. The total built up area of the college is 1, 39,452 sq. ft. with well equipped dental chairs to fulfill the needs of the undergraduate as well as postgraduate in every branch of dentistry. The college has specially designed laboratories and teaching facilities such as lecture halls, auditoria and departmental seminar rooms and departmental libraries along with these facilities, the central library of college makes this a awell recognized institution in the country.
To provide higher education and quality healthcare services to the hinterlands and far-flung areas of the rural community had ever been a long cherished desire of the Sangha. This aspiration manifested into reality with the establishment of the P.M. Nadagouda Memorial Dental College and Hospital in Bagalkot in the year 1987.
The Dental College as a always held a place of pride among the associated institutions ofthe Sangha due to its stellar contribution to the society through its compassionate service and sincere endeavors. The Sangha has a vision, for which it leaves no stone unturned in its attempts to make the P.M. Nadagouda Memorial Dental College and Hospital, truly world class and at par with the best in the fields of modern dental education and service

Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • BDS
PG Courses:
  • Oral Pathology & Microbiology                  
  • Periodontics                                                      
  • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery                          
  • Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics      
  • Prosthodontics                                                   
  • Pedodontics                                                       
  • Oral Medicine Diagnosis & Radiology        
  • Orthodontics                   
Certificate Programmes 
  • Oral Implantology

P.M. NADAGOWDA MEMORIAL DENTAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL Reviewed by admissionxpert on 11:39:00 Rating: 5
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