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Address:  Cholanagar, R.T. Nagar post, Hebbal, Bangalore, Karnataka 560032
Affiliated University: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Year of Establishment: 1992

About College:
Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences & Hospital was established in the year 1992 by Sir. M. Visvesvaraya Education Trust, Bangalore with an object of expanding and promoting dental education. International outlook, democratic ideas and the potentialities of RAJIV GANDHI are the inspiring force behind this institution. It spreads humanism through dental care and dental education. This college offers the courses in Master of Dental Surgery and Bachelor of Dental Surgery. It is recognized by the Dental Council of India, New Delhi and affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

The central library has also internet facility for the use of students and staff. Every year the institution grants an average of Rs.3,00,000 for the addition of new books and journals. The library functions on all working days from 8 am to 7pm. An information centre is also attached to the library to assist the students and teachers who are interested to procure various types of books and journals from different countries, which are not readily available in the library.
The Dental Hospital of this college is fully equipped with 158 dental chairs apart from various other medical equipments like x-ray units, oral pantographic unit etc.

The hospital has an operation theatre also for conducting major operations relating to oral surgery. An average of 175 new patients are registered daily. The college is also attached to K.C.General Hospital under Government of Karnataka for the training in general medicine and general surgery to the third B.D.S students. The hospital has 300-bedded capacities at present. In addition, an outpatient department is functioning in the college hospital with 30-bed capacity. A general hospital block is being constructed in the college campus with a capaity of 500 beds.

The college has hostel facility for the girls and boys. The girls hostel is situated adjacent to the college campus with a capacity of 150 students. Each room has a bathroom attached. There are facilities for television entertainment. Good discipline is maintained in the hostel for proper discipline during their study in the college. The canteen provides food in the hostel also.

This institution gives more importance to research work. Provisions are made in all the departments to conduct experiments and research work. A country, which neglects research work, cannot come up to satisfy the needs of the modern man. How to find and How to solve, must be the criteria for our teachers to cultivate innovations in the minds of our students. Our individual student. Books magazines and various journals in different topics of advanced technology are also available in the library.

Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • BDS
PG Courses:
  • Oral Medicine & Radiology
  • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge
  • Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
  • Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
  • Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics
  • Periodontology
  • Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology

SRI RAJIV GANDHI COLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES Reviewed by admissionxpert on 19:38:00 Rating: 5
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