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Institute of Medical Science and Research, Vidyagiri, Satara

Address: Vidyagiri, Vita Road,Mayani, Tal, Khatav,, Maharashtra 415102
Affiliated University: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik
Year of Establishment: 2012

About College:
Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Education Society was established by the founder president Dr. Mahadev Ramchandra Deshmukh, in 1992 & registered under Karnataka Society Register act 1960 with registration No. 5/92-93. The registered offices of the society are located at Dharwad, Karnataka State and Kolhapur, Maharashtra State. Administrative office of Societys is located at Mayani Tal : Khatav Dist. : Satara.
The society has established Medical College and Hospital at Mayani.
Dr. M.R. Deshmukh had observed the difficulties faced by the sick, belonging to the poor section of the rural society. He was moved by their sufferings and strongly felt that in order to alleviate their suffering it was necessary to provide all medical facilities under one roof, in the rural area itself. With this view in mind, he established a network of medical and paramedical institutions in Karnataka & Maharashtra.
The latest addition to this network is the Institute of Medical Sciences and Research at Mayani, Tal. Khatav, Dist. Satara.
The medical college attached to the hospital is having fully fledged Preclinical & Para-clinical & Clinical departments, for imparting training to medical students. The departments are managed by senior and experienced teachers. The central library has a large collection of textbooks, reference books, national and international journals. The facility of digital library of MUHS is available online. The college provides comfortable hostel accommodation for boys and girls separately.
The Institute of Medical Sciences and Research is all set to provide quality medical education to the doctors of tomorrow, in a natural environment conducive for good learning with pollution free air, non contaminated water, fresh fruits and vegetables, total natural environment and Mayani is a famous place as a bird sanctuary.

Hospital Stats:
The institute is managing a 395 bedded fully functional hospital at Mayani. The facilities of the hospital include 6 well equipped Operation Theatres with laminar airflow, central oxygen supply, and central suction and air conditioning facilities. The hospital provides facilities of Intensive Care Units for general, cardiac, neonatal and pediatric patients. There is provision for C.T. Scan, Ultrasonography, color Doppler and other radiological investigations. The hospital includes a central clinical laboratory providing pathology, microbiology and biochemistry investigations. The casualty department of the hospital functions for round clock 24 x 7, with an adjacent well equipped minor Operation Theatre. The hospital provides ambulance service for the transport of severely ill patients.

Courses Offered:
  • MBBS

Institute of Medical Science and Research, Vidyagiri, Satara Reviewed by admissionxpert on 13:03:00 Rating: 5
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