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Maharashtra Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Latur

Address: Vishwanathpuram, Latur, Maharashtra 413512
Affiliated University: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik
Year of Establishment: 1990
About College:

The M.I.M.S.R. Medical College was started in a small portion of Rajarshi Shahu College in 1990, with an annual intake of 100 students for MBBS undergraduate course and shifted to the present premises on Ambajogai road in 1992 having 95 acres of land.  The associated rural hospital with 750 beds named after our illustrious leader shri. Yeshwantrao Chavan had started functioning simultaneously in 1992. In addition, the college acquired the facility to use initially, 100 beds for clinical teaching in civil hospital; later on this facility was extended to 200 beds by the govt. of Maharashtra on payment. The college also utilized 150 beds of Vivekanand Hospital for the same purpose so had 1100 beds for teaching against the 700 beds required by MCI. The facility at civil hospital was discontinued in 2001-02 when the MCI reduced the required bed strength from 700 to 500. Presently we utilize 610 beds of YCR Hospital for giving rich experience and exposure to our students in clinical practice. The college was given permanent recognition by MCI in 1997. It was affiliated with Marathwada University from 1990-91 till its bifurcation in 1994-95. Then its affiliation was transferred to SRTM University, Nanded in 1995-96. Since the establishment of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik in 1998-99, the affiliation of MIMSR was again transferred to MUHS, Nashik. Its affiliation is now continued with MUHS for 2006-2007.

The college since 1995 has grown in stature, infrastructure, in the quality of its clinical services, and rural health care projects. It has established Digital Library, Dept. of Medical Education, Quality Management System, and innovative approaches in teaching and learning processes. It has also given stress to develop the effectiveness of the faculty by organizing training programmes. Personality development of students has also been our prime concern.

The special features of the college and hospital are its digital library central suction and oxygen supply, generator back up and electrical sub-centre. It also has a well established Department of Medical Education as well as Quality Management System Cell, and has been awarded ISO 9001-2000 by American Quality Assessors (AQA) in July 2004. It also boast of having the Zonal sub-centre for medical education sponsored by M.U.H.S. Nashik.

The college is recognized by Medical Council of India in 1997 and is affiliated to M.U.H.S., Nashik for undergraduate studies (M.B.B.S.) and for PG degrees and diplomas, which are being started from academic year 2007.

Hospital Stats:
The college construction was completed by 1994 and the Hospital, which was initially planned for 1100 beds, had its major construction over by 1995. At present it is fully equipped 610-bed hospital with 10 operation theatres and intensive care units for adults and children and neonates. Bio-waste management was made mandatory from 2000 and the hospital has invested in state of the art incinerator and practicing the health care waste management in Toto. The present premises comprises of the college building, the Yeshwantrao Chavan Rural Hospital building, lady’s and boy's hostels, staff quarters, animal house, a well equipped central library, incinerator block, playground, construction dept. building, laundry, canteen, staff quarters, etc.

Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • MBBS
PG Courses:
  • MD - Pathology
  • MD - Pharmacology
  • MD - Physiology
  • MD - Social & Preventive Medicine / Community Medicine
  • MD/MS - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology
  • MD/MS - Ophthalmology
  • MS - ENT
  • MS - General Surgery
  • MS - Orthopaedics

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Latur Reviewed by admissionxpert on 12:56:00 Rating: 5
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