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Terna Medical College, Navi Mumbai

Address: Sector No - 12, Phase No - II, Nerul Navi Mumbai Pin no - 400 706 
Affiliated University: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik
Year of Establishment: 1991

About College:
Terna Medical College is established in 1991, is recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI) and affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (M.U.H.S.) Nashik. As a front line leader in the field of Medicine and our graduates are serving the society globally. From its earlier days Terna Medical College (TMC) has always aimed to achieve a reputation of excellence in health education. The course provides a very thorough basis in Health Sciences, Practitioner subjects, Research, Professional and Clinical Practice skills.
At Terna Medical College (TMC) they recognize that everyone has different needs, circumstances and ambitions so we aim to make your study as attractive, flexible and rewarding as possible. Whichever course you choose to study at Terna Medical College (TMC), they can assure you a rewarding lifetime carter as well as the opportunity to establish new friendship.
Its purpose is not just to offer best training courses, but also to help you to make a succussesful Doctor; we believe you will only become competent in any field by learning from others devoted to high standards. From your initial contact and through every class you attend, you will find that we want the best for you which includes High Academic Achievements, Enjoyable Learning and Caring about people.
Medical education technology cell regularly trains teachers in teaching methodology. This helps in developing newer methods of teaching at Terna Medical College.
Facilities includes separate hostel for boys and girls and also wel furnished library along with sports and gym facility.

Hospital Stats:
Strategically located to be easily accessible for residents of Mumbai. Terna Hospital & Research Center offers state-of-the-art technology and the latest tertiary healthcare solutions under one roof Local citizens, get timely, Quality care closer to home and critically-ill patients no longer have to travel long distances for speciality treatment.
  • Average Indoor Admission per day:450 / day
  • Average Out patient attendance per day:1595 / day
  • Bed strength:500
  • Occupancy (annual) (%):80%
  • I.C.C.U. Bed strength:32

Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • MBBS
PG Courses:
  • MD - Social & Preventive Medicine / Community Medicine

Terna Medical College, Navi Mumbai Reviewed by admissionxpert on 12:36:00 Rating: 5
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