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ASSO CET 2016 Entrance Exam

Association Combined Entrance Test popularly known as ASSO CET 2016 which is a national level exam. This entrance exam is conducted to offer admission to aspirants in various medical courses such as MBBS and BDS in 24 private Medical and Dental colleges of Maharashtra. Out of 24 institutions, 5 are medical colleges and 19 are dental colleges. Applicants interested can fill the application form from 23rd March to 25 April, 2016 (Tentative Dates). ASSO CET 2015 is conducted by the Association of Management of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges, Maharashtra, AMUPMDC. ASSO CET 2016 entrance exam will be conducted on May, 2016.
ASSO CET Exam Summary
Exam NameThe Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges Association Combined Entrance Test
Commonly known asASSO-CET
Exam levelNational Level
Conducting AuthorityDibrugarh University
Exam StreamMedical Entrance Exam

ASSO CET 2016 Eligibility Criteria

Applicants are eligible for ASSO CET 2016 examination only if they satisfy following condition:
  • Applicant should be born on or before 31st December, 1999 or must be of 17 years if he/she is seeking admission to any of the MBBS and BDS programmes.
  • Applicants ought to pass in Higher Secondary Certificate examination or its equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually can apply for the examination.
  • Applicants should have scored a minimum of 50% aggregate marks in Higher Secondary Examination in English and PCB (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) subjects taken together to apply for the examination (40% in case of SC/ ST/ OBC category)
  • For BSc Nursing applicants should have scored a minimum of 45% aggregate marks in Higher Secondary Examination in PCB (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and English subjects taken together to apply for the examination (40% in case of SC/ ST/ OBC category)

ASSO CET 2016 Application form

Candidates who are interested must fill and submit the ASSO CET 2016 application form.
Steps for applying for ASSO CET 2016 form are mentioned below:
Step 1: Applicants need to visit to register for the examination.
Step 2: Applicants need to fill their personal, qualification and other information as required in the form and submit it.
Step 3: Applicants are required to upload their recent passport size photograph and signature as mentioned in the application form.
Step 4: Applicants are required to make payment through e-challan to complete the application process.
Applicants are required to make print out of the challan which is generated automatically.
Step 5: Applicants need this challan form for paying application fee at any of the branches of State Bank of India in account of AMUPMDC from second working day of submission of online application.
For any further reference regarding application form applicants can visit the website as mentioned above.
Application fees:
Applicants are required to pay the application fees of Rs 3000/- through e-challan to complete the application process.

ASSO CET 2016 Exam Pattern

  • The paper comprises of 200 multiple choice objective type questions.
  • The paper consists of 4 sections:
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Zoology
  • Botany
  • The time for the paper is about 180 minutes.
  • Applicant 1 mark will be added for each right answer and no marks will be deducted for any wrong answer.
  • The distribution of subject and questions is as follows:
SubjectNo of questionsMarks

ASSO CET 2016 Selection Process

After the ASSO-CET 2016 results will be declared, AMUPMDC announces a merit list for counseling according to which the applicants who have been called for counseling will have to fill their college preference.

Find below calander of 2015 exam schedule

ASSO CET 2015 Exam Dates 

ASSO CET Exam EventsImportant Dates
Submission of Application Forms – Online23rd March to 25th April, 2015
Last date for Payment of fees in State Bank of India30th April, 2015
Admit Cards10th to 16th May, 2015
Date of ASSO CET 2016 Exam17th May, 2015
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Declaration of ResultMay, 2015
Application for Verification of Marks31st May, 2015
ASSO CET Final Merit ListJune, 2015
Last date of submitting Online Filled in Preference Forms6th to 12th June, 2015
Display of ASSO CET First Selection List25th June, 2015
Last date for reporting to Allotted Colleges3rd July, 2015
Display of Second Selection List for MBBS and BDS27th July, 2015
Last date for reporting to Allotted Colleges2nd August, 2015

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