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B.K.L. Walawalkar Rural Medical College, Ratnagiri

Address: Shreekshetra Dervan, Taluk Chiplun, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415606
Affiliated University: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik
Year of Establishment: 2015

About College:
B.K.L.Walawalkar Rural Medical College is situated at Sawarda village which is about 16 kilometers from Chiplun and 290 kilometers from Mumbai on Mumbai-Goa highway.
A medical college with 100 seats is envisaged for the year 2015 by S.V.J.C.Trust as there is a dire emergency to provide modern medical services to the rural population at their door steps. Medical students trained from this college are expected to offer their services to the local communities. This would then improve the overall quality of health-services in these communities. Students will get an opportunity to carry forward the research already going on at B.K.L.Walawalkar Hospital. Thus the main objectives of the Rural Medical College would be to achieve academic growth, provide good doctors in rural area who in turn would serve the rural population, give an impetus to research and thus achieve overall upliftment of the society as a whole.BKL Walawalkar Rural Medical college was inaugurated on 1st September 2015.
Dr. Shekhar Rajderkar, Pro Vice-chancellor Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik was the chief guest for the inauguration function. Click here to see the photoes from the event.
Objectives of B.K.L.Walawalkar Rural Medical College
1. To produce high quality academically and research oriented doctors who would serve in rural areas.
2. To be an academic institution of excellence both in the field of curative medicine and public health.
3. To conduct research in priority areas this would lead to positive policy changes and implementation.
4. To have a tertiary care super-specialty hospital this would serve the local community and give preventive, promotive and curative services.
5. To establish strong foundation of public health and community medicine for the overall upliftment of the society
B.K.L.Walawalkar Rural Medical College and Hospital is owned by S.V.J.C.T. Trust
Shri Vithalrao Joshi Charities Trust has been working for the last 50 years for social & spiritual upliftment of the poor. The Aim is to provide human beings basic needs, such as food, water, clothing, shelter, education, and medical aid for their physical survival discourse for their self-realization. The maximum concentration is however on Dervan and surrounding villages. All these activities are carried out irrespective of caste, creed or religion of the person whom help is rendered.
The person who commits himself to his work can find the God. However for such commitment to exist at work, the person should be enjoying peace of mind in his daily life. Towards achieving this, the organization endeavors to spread among all, right thoughts, right values & right behavior and guide them towards appropriate activities.
Social work undertaken by S.V.J.C.T. Trust
- Health for All
- Education for All
- Empowerment of an individual
For enabling the poor to get food, water, shelter at reduced rates, the organization has taken appropriate steps. The organization distributes food grains, sugar, cooking oil etc. during festival season to bring joy to all.
To help the poor to build their own dwelling, the organization distributes bricks, cement, roofing material & tiles. The organization prefers to distribute these items directly so that it can check for its appropriate use & prevent corruption of any sort.  This works out better that disbursing of funds which would involve continuous monitoring to prevent misuse.
Shortage of potable water is a long standing problem in the Konkan area. The organization has not only supported construction of new wells but also supplies water through water-tankers during the summer months. The organization has built roads connecting villages situated in remote locations with the “taluka” & district places.

Hospital Stats:
"B.K.L. Walawalkar Hospital” is located at about 16 Km from Chiplun on the Mumbai-Goa highway in the village of Dervan.
The hospital is 300 beds and today it is in the midst of expansion from serving to 500 beds capacity. It is a multispecialty hospital with all modern medical services available under one roof. All the operation theatres are air-conditioned and include laparoscope, image intensifiers, different types of monitors & ventilators. These operation theatres handle a range of surgeries including simple procedures for treatment of hernia to complicated ones like that for knee replacement, spine surgeries, and Cancer surgeries.
The hospital has super-specialty services in identified areas which includes Urology, Nephrology, Oncology and Radiation unit. Well-equipped pathology includes histopathology, haematology, microbiology,Blood bank and component laboratory is also available.

Courses Offered:
  • MBBS

B.K.L. Walawalkar Rural Medical College, Ratnagiri Reviewed by admissionxpert on 13:18:00 Rating: 5
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