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MDS in Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge

M. D. S. in Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge is a three year Postgraduate program. This training program is structured to achieve knowledge and skill in theoretical and clinical laboratory, attitude, communicative skills and ability to research with understanding of social, cultural, educational and environmental background of the society.The postgraduates will be able to provide Prosthodontic therapy for patients with competence and working knowledge with understanding of applied medical, behavioral and clinical science. 

Prosthodontics is a speciality, dealing with the restoration of oral function creating complete dentures, crowns, implant retained/supported restorations. Maxillofacial prosthetics is a sub-specialty of prosthodontics practiced in the department to treat patients who have acquired and congenital defects of the head and neck (maxillofacial) region i.e. due to surgery, trauma, and/or birth defects.

Duration of the Course : 

Three years from the date of commencement of classes.


  • Training programme in Prosthetic dentistry including Crown & Bridge & Implantology is structured to achieve knowledge and skill in theoretical and clinical laboratory, attitude, communicative skills and ability to research with understanding of social, cultural, educational and environmental background of the society.
  • To have acquired adequate knowledge and understanding of applied basic and systemic medical science, knowledge in general and particularly of head and neck.
  • The postgraduate will be able to provide Prosthodontic therapy, for patient with competence and working knowledge with understanding of applied medical,behavioral and clinical science, that are beyond the treatment skills of the general BDS graduate and MDS graduate of other specialities, to demonstrate evaluative and judgment skills in making appropriate decisions regarding prevention, treatment, after care and referral to deliver comprehensive care to patients.


  • The candidate should be able to examine the patients requiring Prosthodontics therapy, investigate the patient systemically, analyze the investigation results, radiography, diagnose the ailment, plan a treatment, communicate it with the patient and execute it.
  • Understand the prevalence and prevention of diseases of craniomandibular system related to Prosthetic dentistry.
  • The candidate should be able to restore lost functions of stomatognathic system namely mastication, speech, appearance and psychological comforts. By understanding biological, biomedical, bioengineering principles and systemic condition of the patient to provide a quality health care of the craniofacial region.
  • The candidate should be able to interact with other specialty including medical speciality for a planned team management of patients for a craniofacial and oral acquired and congenital defects, temporomandibular joint syndromes, esthetics,
  • Implant supported Prosthetics and problems of Psychogenic origin
  • Should be able to demonstrate the clinical competence necessary to carry out appropriate treatment at higher level of knowledge, training and practice skills currently available in their specialty area.
  • Identify target diseases and awareness amongst the population for Prosthodontic therapy.
  • Perform clinical and Laboratory procedures with understanding of biomaterials, tissue conditions related to prosthesis and have competent dexterity and skill for performing clinical and laboratory procedures in fixed, removable, implant, maxillofacial, TMJ and esthetics Prosthodontics.


The salary is based on factors- such as skill and work experience, education level, type of employment and the geographical area. A fresher in the field can earn Rs. 9,000 upwards. Dental surgeons can earn good money through their own practice. The consultation charges could be Rs.500 upwards. They can even charge depending upon the nature of dental problem the patient is undergoing. Even for simple case of a wisdom teeth, Oral maxillofacial surgeon charge Rs. 2000 and above. A well established dentist can make around Rs. 60,000 - 1,00,000 or more per month.

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MDS in Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge Reviewed by admissionxpert on 13:31:00 Rating: 5
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