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MDS in Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry

Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry focuses on pediatric/adolescent growth and development, disease causality and prevention, child psychology and behavior management, and all aspects of the highly-specialized Pediatric restorative techniques and modalities along with treatment of children with special health care needs.

"Children are our most valuable natural resource.” Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry is an age defined specialty, privileged to be entrusted with providing primary and comprehensive, preventive and therapeutic oral health care to them.

Doctors are dedicated to the promotion and maintenance of good oral health in infants, children and adolescents including special needs children and are hopeful of having a permanent positive impact on the child’s oral health practices and attitudes by ensuring active parental participation during the course of dental treatment.


  •  Diagnosis and treatment planning for oral health problems in children including adolescents. 
  •  Preventive treatment based on caries risk assessment: oral hygiene measures/ instructions,  fluoride    treatment, pit and fissure sealant and PRR application
  •  Paediatric Operative Dentistry and Endodontics. 
  •  Prosthodontic rehabilitation including cleft lip and palate patient management.
  •  Oral surgical procedures including extractions/ impactions of teeth and various other minor  oral  surgical procedures including trauma management. 
  •  Preventive and Interceptive orthodontic treatment like guidance of developing occlusion along  with  orthodontic interception of developing malocclusions, space management including  fixed and  removable space maintenance and regaining therapy, prevention and interception of  oral habits,  serial extractions etc.
  •  Comprehensive management of medically compromised patients and children with special  health  care needs.
  •  Dental Health Education

Economic reason for choosing Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry:

35.3% of postgraduates chose  Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry as their career for better financial viability and easy way of living. They thought this speciality will give them abetter economic setup in their life (Table5). Thus it can be inferred that thepercentage of postgraduates having suchthoughts were less than 50% and morethan 50% had taken up the speciality because of some other reasons rather thanthe economic gains.Rs. 60,000 - 1,00,000 or more per month.

Colleges Offering:


MDS in Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Reviewed by admissionxpert on 13:33:00 Rating: 5
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