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Address: 5/3, Aura Road, Opposite Lakasandra Bustop, Aura Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560029
Affiliated University: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Year of Establishment: 1991

About College:
Bangalore Institute of Dental Science is among the leading dental institutes in the state of Karnataka. The institution is a part of a whole cluster of colleges owned by the Vignan Education Foundation Trust. The institution is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. Established in the year 1991 under the dynamic leadership of Mr. K Subba Rao, Chairman, VEF, the Institution has grown leaps and bounds. Ever since its origin, the institute has consolidated on its name. It's regarded as the best colleges. Bangalore Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital offers BDS and MDS courses for Undergraduates and Graduates.

Bangalore Institute of Dental Science there's lots of awareness amongst students recently and that they opt for guidance to decide on their career ways whereas within the twelfth grade and appearance up to admission consultants to urge them an area within the prime academic establishments once the admission in dental colleges and different medical establishments begins for an academic year.

The first batch of students passed out of the college on 8th November 1995 which happens to be the red letter day when the premier Dental Council of India gave recognition to the Institution. The year 2002 saw the first batch of Post-graduates leaving the Institution in the following six Specialities:-
        1. Oral Medicine and Radiology
  2. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  3. Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics
  4. Periodontia
  5. Prosthodontia
  6. Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
  For the academic year 2013-14 Post Graduation in the following specialties as also started.
  1. Oral pathology and Microbiology.
  2. Public health dentistry.
  3. Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry

Courses Offered:
UG Courses:
  • BDS
PG Courses:
  • M.D.S (Orthodonitics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics).
  • M.D.S (Periodontics).
  • M.D.S (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics).
  • M.D.S (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery).
  • M.D.S (Oral Medicine & Radiology).
  • M.D.S (Prosthodontia).
  • M.D.S (Oral Pathology and Microbiology.) 
  • M.D.S (Public Health Dentistry) 
  • M.D.S (Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry) 

BANGALORE INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES AND HOSPITAL Reviewed by admissionxpert on 12:22:00 Rating: 5
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