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MDS in Periodontics

Periodontology or periodontics  is the specialty of dentistry that studies supporting structures of teeth, as well as diseases and conditions that affect them. The supporting tissues are known as the periodontium, which includes the gingiva (gums), alveolar bone, cementum, and the periodontal ligament. A professional who practices this specialty field of dentistry is known as a periodontist or gumsman. Periodontology is an emerging specialty in the field of dentistry which deals with the diseases of the tooth supporting structures. In the clinical sessions the students are equipped with the skills to carry out various treatment modalities to manage the patients suffering from periodontal diseases.

The M. D. S. in Periodontology is a three year Postgraduate program. Periodontics is a branch of dentistry hat deals with diseases of the supporting and investing structures of the teeth including the gums, cementum, periodontal membranes and alveolar bone. The curriculum provides students identify the techniques to prevent the occurrence and cure the spread of damage already casued by the infectionThe research scholars are given opportunity to learn and research in this criterion to help the society in health care.

Duration of the Course :

Three years from the date of commencement of classes.

Entrance Requirements:

A BDS degree of this University or an equivalent qualification.
A minimum of 1 year of work experience, some of which should be of relevance to the course applied for.

Job Opportunities:
The majority of the job opportunities for a graduate in this field are available in a research institute, colleges, universities, and teaching hospitals. Trained private practitioners can setup their own dental clinic which could help them to gain the confidence and revenue. Graduates who are interested in social service field can join NGOs.  Besides,lots of job opportunities are available in foreign countries for Indian dentists in the countries like Australia, UK and US.

Job Types: -
  • Consultant
  • Professors
  • Forensics
  • Dental surgeon
  • Oral pathologist
  • Dental hygienist
  • Dental Assistant
  • Private practitioners
  • Public health specialists
  • Dental Lab Technician / Ceramist

A dental surgeon can earn good amount of money by their own practice. A consultant charges from Rs 250 onwards for cosmetic filling or routine check-up. This may increase up to Rs 40,000 to Rs 50,000 depending upon the nature of the dental problem. A well experienced dentist can earn around Rs 30,000 to Rs 1, 00,000 or more per month.

Colleges Offering:



MDS in Periodontics Reviewed by admissionxpert on 13:46:00 Rating: 5
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