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COMEDK PGET(Consortium Of Medical Engineering And Dental Colleges Of Karnataka Post Graduate Entrance Test) 2016 | IMPORTANT UPDATES

COMEDK is the “Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka”.
COMEDK's objective is to provide assessment services its affiliate institutions to determine the merit of students in an effective, fair and transparent testing procedure.
COMEDK PGET is a Post Graduate Medical and Dental Entrance Exam conducted by COMEDK. Through COMEDK PGET Exam ,medical and dental students can apply to PG medical education institutes in Karnataka which are part of COMEDK. Key Statistics on COMEDK Institutions
·         Number of PG Medical Colleges - 12 Institutions Offerings MD / MS Admissions
·         Number of PG Dental Colleges - 19 Institutions Offering MDS Admissions
·         Aggregate Number of PG Seats - 600 + Seats
Starting from 2016 COMEDK PGET will be an online exam that will be simultaneously held in about 60+ cities across India. The major advantage of this new way of assessment is that students across the country need not have to travel to Karnataka to attend the COMEDK PGET 2016 Exam. They can attend the exam from a city near to their hometown from the available list of test cities.


CALL 89513 68561 | 8105 637 635

Course offered in COMEDK Institutions
Medical (Degree - Courses)
Pre Clinical: MS (Anatomy), MD (Physiology), MD (Biochemistry)
Para Clinical: MD (Pathology), MD (Microbiology), MD (Pharmacology), MD (Forensic Medicine), MD (Community Medicine)
Clinical: MD (General Medicine), MD (Paediatrics), MD (Dermatology and STD), MD (Tuberculosis), MD (Psychiatry), MS (General Surgery), MS (Ophthalmology), MS (Orthopaedics), MS (ENT), MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), MD (Anaesthesiology), MD (Radio-Diagnosis)/(Radiology), MD (Radio-Therapy), MD (Emergency Medicine)
Medical (Diploma - Courses)
Para Clinical: Diploma in Clinical Pathology (DCP), Diploma in Forensic Medicine (DFM), Diploma in Public Health (DPH)
Clinical Para: Diploma in Child Health (DCH), Diploma in Venerology and Dermatology (DVD), Diploma in Psychiatric Medicine (DPM), Diploma in Ophthalmology (DO), Diploma in Orthopaedics (D.Ortho), Diploma in Otolaryngology (DLO), Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DGO), Diploma in Anaesthesiology (DA), Diploma in Radio-Diagnosis (DMRD)
Dental (Degree - Courses)
MDS (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), MDS (Oral Medicine and Radiology), MDS (Periodontology), MDS (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics), MDS Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, MDS (Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry), MDS (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics), MDS (Prosthodontics & Crown and Bridge), MDS (Oral Pathology and Microbiology), MDS (Public Health Dentistry)
Dental (Diploma - Courses)
Diploma in Oral Surgery, Diploma in Periodontics, Diploma in Orthodontics, Diploma in Conservative Dentistry and Diploma in Prosthodontics


CALL 89513 68561 | 8105 637 635

Eligibility Criteria

·         Applicants must meet all requirements stipulated by MCI/DCI Accordingly, they should have successfully passed their MBBS/BDS from an institution recognized by MCI/DCI, and must have completed or completing their internship by 30th April 2016 at the latest
·         The minimum percentage of marks in the Entrance Test (COMEDK PGET-2016) for eligibility and admission to Post Graduate Courses shall be 50% for General Merit candidates and 40% for the candidates belonging to SC/ST (All India) and OBC belonging to Karnataka State only
·         Only candidate’s who are due to complete the internship on or before 30th April 2016 are eligible Candidates who have appeared for COMEDK PGET during the last three years and selected a clinical PG degree seat and got admitted to any of the COMEDK Member Institutions are not allowed to appear for COMEDK PGET-2016
·         Notification for Start Date of Registration for COMEDK PGET-2016: 10th November 2015
·         Start Date for Registration and Submission of Online Application Form (OAF): 10th November 2015
·         Mock Test Link made available online: 10th November 2015
·         Last date for making Off-line payments: 28th December 2015
·         Last Date for Submission of Completed Application online (OAF): 02nd January 2016
·         Start Date for Downloading of Online Test Admission Ticket (TAT) on Website: 09th January 2016
·         Last Date for Downloading of Online Test Admission Ticket (TAT): 16th January 2016 
·         COMEDK PGET 2016 Entrance Exam: 17th January 2016 (Test Day 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM)
·         Publishing of Provisional Answer Keys and Start Date for Submission of challenges of Answer keys: 18th January 2016
·         Last Date for Receiving Challenges pertaining to Provisional Answer Keys: 23rd January 2016
·         Publishing of Final Answer Keys: 03rd February 2016
·         Publishing of Test Score & Making available individual Rank card for eligible candidates online: 05th February 2016


CALL 89513 68561 | 8105 637 635

COMEDK PGET 2016 Exam Pattern: COMEDK PGET 2016 is a computer based based test which is schedule to be held on January 17. The exam will be conducted on the basis of syllabus prescribed by Medical Council of India (MCI) and Dental Council of India (DCI). Candidates can read below for the exam pattern of COMEDK PGET 2016:
·         There will be a separate test for PG Medical and a separate test for PG Dental.
·         Each test will consist of 180 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
·         The time allotted for the test is 180 minutes (3 hours)
·         Each answer will be awarded one mark
·         There will be no negative marking

Important highlights of COMEDK PGET 2016 Exam pattern: 
Medical Stream

Dental Stream

Section I : Direct MCQ’s – 120 questions of 1 mark each

Section I : Direct MCQ’s – 148 questions of 1 mark each

Section II : Clinical vignettes linked MCQs– 60 question of 1 mark each

Section II : Clinical vignettes linked MCQs– 32 question of 1 mark each

The application procedure of COMEDK PGET 2016 started on November 10, 2015. Candidates who wish to apply for COMEDK PGET 2016 must note that applications should be submitted in online mode on or before January 2, 2016. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions carefully before filling up the online Application Form. Candidates must ensure that COMEDK PGET 2016 Application Form must be filled properly with all complete details. No request for any change in the data submitted in the application, once submitted online will be entertained; hence the candidates are cautioned to be careful while filling the Online Application Form.

Instructions for filling the Online Application Form
Candidates are advised to go through the instructions carefully before filling up the online Application Form
General Instructions.
No request for any change in the data submitted in the application, once submitted online will be entertained; hence the candidates are cautioned to be careful while filling the Online Application Form.
·    Ensure that Online Application Form is filled properly with all complete details
·   Incomplete / incorrect applications are liable to be rejected at any stage without prior information to the candidate.
·   COMEDK is not responsible for any error that the candidate commits while filling the Online Application Form.
·  Follow the guidelines strictly for scanning and uploading of the photograph, signature and other required documents.
Demand Draft for Rs.3000/- as application fee shall be drawn only from the National banks in favour of "COMEDK" payable atBangalore


CALL 89513 68561 | 8105 637 635

 Admit card:
· Online test admission ticket will be available under applicant login of the COMEDK website from 09th January 2016
·   Candidates appearing for the Test should download & obtain printout of the Online Test Admission Ticket (Online TAT)
·   No Test Admission Ticket will be dispatched either by post or courier or in person to the candidates under any circumstances
·   Candidates will not be allowed to write the COMEDK PGET-2016 without the print out of Online Test Admission Ticket along with other documents indicated thereon. Candidates are advised to go through the below mentioned instructions carefully before printing the Online Test Admission Ticket (TAT)
·    Candidates will not be allowed to write the COMEDK-PGET-2016 without the print out of online test admission ticket, date of birth certificate (candidate copy) and an acceptable photo ID proof in original
COMEDK PGET 2016 Result: 
The result of COMEDK PGET 2016 will be declared only for the qualified candidates who have scored the qualifying marks. The COMEDK PGET 2016 test score will be declared on February 3,2016 whereas COMEDK PGET 2016 Ranks will be declared on February 5, 2016. The minimum percentage of marks candidates must secure to pass COMEDK PGET 2016 is 50% for General and 40% for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe (All India) and Backward Classes belonging to Karnataka State.

COMEDK PGET 2016 Merit List: 
The merit list of COMEDK PGET 2016 will be based on the candidate’s total marks obtained in the entrance exam. Based on the merit list candidates will be called for counselling and seats will be allotted as per their rank.

COMEDK PGET 2016 Counselling:
Allotment of Post graduate medical and dental courses under COMEDK for eligible candidates will be done through the single window, i.e. Centralized Counselling. Candidates appearing for COMEDK PGET 2016 Counselling have to download and take a print out of the Online Rank Card. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the counselling venue without a valid Online Rank Card which is one of the mandatory documents.


CALL 89513 68561 | 8105 637 635

·         Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences AIMS
·         Basaveshwara Medical College and Hospital
·         Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Medical College
·         Father Muller Medical College
·         K.V.G. Medical College & Hospital
·         H K E Society's M.R. Medical College
·         J.J.M. Medical College
Scope of COMEDK PGET-2016 :
·   The entrance test is being conducted for merit determination for use by COMEDK Member Institutions only
·  The COMEDK entrance test is for candidates seeking admissions for the Post-Graduate courses in these Institutions
·  The COMEDK PGET-2016 test scores are valid only for admissions during the academic year 2016-17
·  There will be a separate entrance test for Post Graduate Medical and Dental Courses

·   The COMEDK PGET-2016 will be conducted on line at various cities across India only on Sunday the 17th January 2016 at designated centres
COMEDK PGET(Consortium Of Medical Engineering And Dental Colleges Of Karnataka Post Graduate Entrance Test) 2016 | IMPORTANT UPDATES Reviewed by admissionxpert on 14:13:00 Rating: 5
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